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CYNETART Festival 2018

From 11 to 14 October 2018, the 22nd edition of CYNETART will take place at the Festspielhaus Hellerau in Dresden, one month earlier than usual. CYNETART is known for the presentation of international art positions in new media. A programme of concerts, performances and lectures is part of the festival as well as the biennial CYNETART competition and the award ceremony. Festival satellites at PYLON Lab & C.Rockefeller Center for the contemporary Arts will show further CYNETART artworks. A clubbing session at objekt klein a invites for a proper clubbing event.

Vox Mediä

MDR: „The shown works and actions are still intellectually demanding. But CYNETART has become more sensual and perhaps even warmer.“

Sächsische Zeitung: „CYNETART wants the positions on the edge of the debatable in the programme. It's always about the future, about reflection, about encounters, about provocation and doubt.“

ZEIT: „At the Dresden CYNETART Festival artists create digital parallel worlds. Visitors are pushed to the limits of their perception.“

Monopol: „The International Festival for Computer Art CYNETART focuses on the networking of man, technology and nature.“


DAY III — CROWDS | SAT, 13th of October

3 p.m. Forum »Power to Whom – Crowds and Power«
8 p.m. Guillaume Pires Parada »Parasitic« / A/V Dance
9 p.m. Cod.Act »πTon« / performance mode
9 30 p.m. Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©« / AR-VR
10 p.m. Jung an Tagen »Agent im Objekt« / A/V
11 59 p.m. Clubbing im objekt klein a

3 p.m. - midnight - Competition Exhibition

→ Detailed description

As part of the guts company’s forum "Power To Whom - Crowds and Power", interdisciplinary artists and activists Bogomir Doringer, Sarah Ulrich, Chiara Baldini and others will examine the role of the contemporary collective and of the individual body in the socio-political environment.

For more information see: CYNETART 2018 — Forum

In an exclusive event, the French dancer Guillaume Pires Parada will present his solo performance »Parasitic«, which combines choreography, digital art and sound design. In a cold and radical stage area, the artist will push himself to the limit of his own physical resilience. Individual tracks from Ben Frost’s album »The Centre Cannot Hold« support this gloomy parasitic situation.

The project »πTon« is a sound installation that investigates the relationship between elastic structures and the human voice. A long rubber tube, closed in a loop, is animated like an invertebrate body by contortions and wave movements. A group of four dumb people equipped with vocal prostheses surrounds the installation. Behind Cod.Act stands the Swiss artistic duo, the brothers André and Michel Décosterd. Their artistic approach is rooted in a reflection on sound and movement.

Jung an Tagen is a project by the avant-garde Viennese artist Stefan Juster. The artist presents his latest album »Agent im Objekt« in connection with a sensational visual show. Using synthesis and sampling techniques, Jung An Tagen builds aleatoric arrays, repetitive figures & polyrhythmic moirés that speak equally to the body as to the mind. The grammar of this music is confounding while the language is itself immediate, oscillating between modern composition and ritualistic techno, immersion and repulsion.

The performance AnnieQuinn© is an interactive installation by dancer and choreographer Caroline Beach and photographer Ian Wahlen. Two Things are important in this immersive project. On the one hand, the extension of one’s own body through masks and on the other, the exploration of the boundaries between the performers and the audience. Visitors to CYNETART are part of the performance. They are invited to reveal personal details about themselves in order to learn new visual truths through custom made masks.

The exhibition is open from 2 p.m. to midnight.

Day Pass: €17,00 / €8,00
Presale at Reservix
Special show Parasitic ticket: €11,00 / €7,00 Book now
Find a special conditions overview on the ticket page

DAY IV — DISCOURSE | SUN, 14th of October

2 p.m. Ephemerki: »Contexter vs Discoursor« / Lecture Performance
4 p.m. Sarah Ulrich & Soraya Lutangu / Talk
5 p.m. Bonaventure / concert
6 p.m. Ewa Justka / concert
6 : 30 Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©« / Interactive AR
7 p.m. Caterina Barbieri / modular synth concert
2 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Competition Exhibition

→ Detailed description

Following the "Alien vs Predator" discourse, CYNETART will start on the last day of the festival with the two Macedonian artists Jasna Dimitrovska and Dragana Zarevska, active as group Ephemerki. As part of the lecture performance »Contexter vs Discoursor«, Ephemerki focuses primarily on the academic art scene and scrutinise its structures and internal power relations. The work refers to Foucault‘s "Surveillance and Punishment" from 1975. In contrast to Foucault, the performance reflects the institutions that are formed and carried by people, but in the end proscribe critical thinking.

Introducing Bonaventure’s live set and preparing the audience for a multilevel perspective on her work, the journalist Sarah Ulrich will interview Bonaventure (Soraya Lutangu) on stage. Following Bonaventure’s highly political approach to producing music and visuals, they will explore her ideas about questions of race, identity and trauma. Understanding music as a tool, Bonaventure de- and re- constructs identity through her work. She confronts the audience with the ambivalent relationship between norms and violence in society, the fluidity and possibilities of modern identity.

Following the Polish sound artist Ewa Justka traces the concept of materiality in hidden objects with her homemade instruments.

Today, visitors to the festival have the final opportunity to experience the interactive installation AnnieQuinn©". The artists Caroline Beach and Ian Whalen, who work in Dresden, combine audiovisual and performance elements in this piece. In this immersive project, the extension of one‘s own body through masks plays as important a role as the exploration of the boundaries between the performers and the audience. Visitors to CYNETART are part of the performance. They are invited to reveal personal details about themselves in order to learn new visual truths through custom made masks.

For the close of the festival we invite you to a concert by the Italian composer Caterina Barbieri. Focusing on minimalism in composition and permanent repetition, she develops versatile polyphonic and polyrhythmic worlds. The modular synth composer will perform her compositions on a Buchla 200.

The CYNETART exhibition opens finally from 2 to 8 p.m.

Day Pass: €11,00 / €7,00
Book now
Find a special conditions overview on the ticket page

DAY 0 — OPENING Satellite 1 — Mi. 10.10.2018

20.00 Uhr

Opening exhibition satellite at C.Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts

N | M | K presents Stacey Gillian Abe (UG)

DAY I — OPENING | THU, 11th of October 2018

7 p.m. - midnight

Live Performances by
KlitClique »Schlecht im Bett, Gut im Rap«
The Binary Graffiti Club Choir
Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©«
Cod.Act »πTon« / performance mode
Ya-Wen Fu »Aiming, but where to« III

Opening of the exhibition & award ceremony

→ More Info

The two rappers from KLITCLIQUE in Vienna use pop culture to question feminist cliché. Their show »Schlecht im Bett Gut im Rap« is presented.

At the opening event of CYNETART, visitors can experience »Binary Graffiti Club Choir«. This project looks back to the Binary Graffiti Club of British artist Stanza. He investigates urban spaces at the interface between performance, politics and art. At the Festspielhaus, the concept is translated into a Dresden choir that takes the city as being literally ‘Silicon Saxony’.

The dancer and choreographer Caroline Beach and the photographer Ian Whalen work together in Dresden, crossing audiovisual and performance elements with their immersive project »AnnieQuinn©«. Visitors to CYNETART are invited to reveal personal details about themselves in order to learn new visual truths through custom made masks.

Meanwhile, Taiwanese performance artist Ya-Wen Fu's new work »Aiming, but where to« III is a quest for the relationship between body and space.

The exhibition for this year's CYNETART-Competition opens at 7 p.m.

Day Pass: €11,00 / €7,00
Presale at Reservix
Find a special conditions overview on the ticket page

DAY II — FRGMENTS | FR, 12th of October

2 p.m. Opening of the exhibition satellite at PYLON-Lab
7 p.m. Ya-Wen Fu »Aiming, but where to«III / Performance
8 p.m. Julien Bayle »FRGMENTS« / A/V show, EU premier
10 p.m. Anna Zaradny & Robert Piotrowicz „ex-L'tronica. Karkowski re:mix“

7 p.m. - midnight - Exhibition

→ Click for a detailed description

"FRGMENTS" is the theme of day two and includes a European premiere at the Festspielhaus Hellerau. French artist Julien Bayle will present »FRGMENTS«, an audiovisual live performance, for the first time in Europe. The project is both an audiovisual live performance and an autonomous installation demonstrating the constant interruption of a continuous flow of sound and images. FRGMENTS represents a real-time programmed system in which pre-recorded video material is collected using a cut-up technique and temporally and spatially reassembled. This process occurs in both a controlled and autonomous way. Julien Bayle tries to fathom who ‘the other’ might be and what ‘the other’ might feel.

"Ex-L‘tronica". Karkowski re:mix" by the two Polish sound artists Anna Zaradny and Robert Piotrowicz, from the "L‘tronica" Festival at Łódź, is dedicated to one of the greatest composers of avant-garde electronic music Zbigniew Karkowski, who died in 2013. The project aims to preserve his important heritage, which continues to inspire many avant-garde musicians worldwide. The two artists will interpret their personal and artistic relationship with Zbigniew Karkowski musically. This is an opening event leading to further activities in Dresden, as well as in New York, London, Tokyo and Prague.

The live performance »Aiming, but where to« by Taiwanese artist Ya-Wen Fu focuses on searching for the relationship between body and space. In her performance, Fu investigates the space in which one feels and acts, and therefore the area in which the perceiving self exists. The artist uses stylistic elements of performance art from the 1960s and 1970s and combines them with contemporary dance.

The CYNETART exhibition is open from 7 p.m. to midnight.

Day Pass: €11,00 / €7,00
Presale at Reservix
Find a special conditions overview on the ticket page


opening day, THU, 11th of Oct

KlitClique »Schlecht im Bett, Gut im Rap«
The Binary Graffiti Club Choir
Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©«
Cod.Act »πTon« / performance mode
Ya-Wen Fu »Aiming, but where to« III / Performance
exhibition opening

Save the date

Friday, 12th of Oct

7 p.m. Ya-Wen Fu »Aiming, but where to« III / Performance
8 p.m. Julien Bayle »FRGMENTS« / A/V Performance
10 p.m. „ex-L'tronica. Karkowski re:mix“ / Konzert

save in Kalender

Saturday 13th of Oct

8 p.m. Guillaume Pires Parada »Parasitic« / A/V Dance
9 p.m. Cod.Act »πTon« / Performance Mode
9 30 p.m. Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©« / AR
10 p.m. Jung an Tagen »Agent im Objekt« / A/V Vonvert
11 59 p.m. clubbing / objekt klein a: Nene H, Golin & more

save in calendar

Sunday 14th of Oct

2 p.m. Contexter vs. Discoursor / Lecture Performance
5 p.m. Bonaventure / concert
6 p.m. Ewa Justka / concert
6 30 Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen »AnnieQuinn©« / AR
7 p.m. Caterina Barbieri / modular synth concert

note in calendar


at Festspielhaus Hellerau

Stanza, The Nemesis Machine, 2015-2018
Cod.Act, πTon
Frank Yefeng Wang, The Drifting Stages, 2016
Minh Duc Nguyen, Halo-sphere, 2018
Sangjun Yoo, Nevertheless, 2018
Fabian Kühfuß, Nintendogs

Satellite: C.Rockefeller Center for the contemporary Arts
Rudolf Leonhard Str. 54 HH | Enter via Door Nr. 58

Stacey Gillian Abe (UG)

Satellite: PYLON-Lab

Frank Yefeng Wang, [’penthaus], 2017
Yuk-Yiu Ip, A Book Of A Hundred Ghosts, 2018

Wallgässchen 2, 01097 Dresden

Award Ceremony

Infos soon.


The Box Office opens one hour before the start of the performance.


Day tickets:

Opening Day Ticket
Vernissage, award ceremony & five performances/concerts
€11,00 / €7,00 (full / reduced)
valid Thursday 11.Oct, 19-24 o clock
Presale via Reservix: Book now

Friday Ticket (FRGMENTS ticket)
Exhibition, three performances (sound, A/V, dance)
€11,00 / €7,00 (full / reduced)
valid Friday 12.Oct, 15-24 o clock
Presale via Reservix: Book now

Saturday Ticket (CROWDS ticket)
Exhibition, forum, three performances (sound, A/V, dance)
€17,00 / €8,00 (full / reduced)
valid Saturday 13.Oct, 15-24 o clock
Presale via Reservix: Book now

Sunday Ticket (Discourse Ticket)
exhibitions, three concerts, one performance, one talk
€11,00 / €7,00 (full / reduced)
valid Sunday 14.Oct, 15-20 o clock
Presale via Reservix: Book now


Guillaume Pires Parada »Parasitic«
€11,00 / €7,00 (full / reduced)
Saturday 13.Oct, 20-21 o clock
limited to 70 persons
Two tickets for one when showing the Saturday Ticket
Presale via Reservix: Book now

Forum / Performance Lecture / Single Tickets
€5,00 / €3,00 (full / reduced)
valid Saturday or Sunday, incl. exhibition

Festival Ticket
€50,00 (plus service fee)
Access to ALL events, THU to SUN
Presale via Reservix: Book now

oka clubbing ticket

no presale

Festival ticket: 39,90 EUR
admission to all events of the CYNETART 2018 at the Festspielhaus Hellerau

action HELLERAU card

HELLERAU Card holders receive 50% discount on the ticket price for full and reduced.

4 for 3 - good for groups

If you buy 4 tickets in one purchase process at the box office or in the visitor center you will receive the fourth ticket (the cheapest ticket) for free.

Action double pack

If you attend the 2nd event on Saturday evening, you will receive 50% off the 2nd performance of the evening if a ticket for the first performance of the evening can be shown.

advance booking

Tickets can be reserved free of charge at the HELLERAU Visitor Centre and picked up at the box office without any time limit.

Visitor service

in the administration building on the west side of the Festspielhaus grounds
HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56, 01109 Dresden

opening hours:
Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat and Sun 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Tel: +49 351 26462 46

Ticket Advance Sale via Reservix begins in several days.

Discount policy

Discounts apply to children and adolescents up to the age of 18, pupils, students, trainees, volunteers in the social year (FSJ), persons doing military or alternative service, unemployed persons and recipients of benefits in accordance with Social Code Book XII, people who are eligible for benefits in accordance with § 1 of the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, persons who hold a passport or volunteer passport and persons who are severely handicapped (from 80% GdB) and those who have been certified as such. Valid authorization cards are required.

Discount policy: source


We are looking for volunteers to help us in a variety of different ways.

We will try to find a good balance between enjoyable participation and your work time.

You will receive a transferable festival pass, a weekly public transport ticket, 2x catering per day & a certificate for your CV, if you want.

Registration via form:

or connect personally to


Setup of the "Internet of Things" installation called "Nemesis Machine"



CYNETART Opening hours

Thu, 11.10.18 19 to 23 o'clock
Fri, 12.10.18 19 to 23 o'clock
Sa, 13.10.18 14 to 23 o'clock (FSH) 23.59 - 8.00 (oka)
Sun, 14.10.18 14 to 20 o'clock


Hellerau – European Center for the Arts Dresden
+49 (0) 180 500 40 980 (14 ct/min)
Festspielhaus Hellerau
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56
01109 Dresden

Google Maps, Open Street Map

Directions to Festspielhaus Hellerau

travelling by public transport
tram route 8, travelling towards Hellerau | stop Festspielhaus Hellerau

detailed travel info

By car from the A4 motorway

Take the A4 motorway to the Dresden-Hellerau exit, then the B170 (Radeburger Straße) towards Dresden-Hellerau / Dresden-Klotzsche. At the first traffic lights turn right into Ludwig-Kossuth-Straße, then drive straight ahead over the motorway bridge into Moritzburger Weg. Follow the tram lines (heading left) into Karl-Liebknecht-Straße. After 100m the entrance to HELLERAU-Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden is on your left.

Plentiful parking is available on the grounds.

By car from Dresden city centre

Take the B97 (Königsbrücker Straße) towards the airport. When you reach the Technologizentrum turn left into Moritzburger Weg, driving through the woods. Take the first street on the right into Klotzscher Weg, then follow the tram lines onto Karl-Liebknecht-Straße. After 500m the entrance to HELLERAU-Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden is on your right.

By Rail

From Dresden main station (Hauptbahnhof) take tram no. 8 (ending in Hellerau) to the Festspielhaus Hellerau tram stop. Walk to the right for about two minutes. From Dresden-Neustadt station: take tram no. 3, 6 or 11 to Albertplatz, then take tram no. 8 (ending in Hellerau) from the opposite stop, travelling to the Festspielhaus Hellerau tram stop. Walk to the right for about two minutes. Take bus no. 80 (ending in Klotzsche/AMD, leaves from Flügelweg, Elbepark, Trachau S-Bahn stop, Wilder Mann, etc.) to the Festspielhaus Hellerau tram stop. Walk to the right for about two minutes.

From the Dresden-Klotzsche airport

Take bus no. 97 (ending at Hellerau Markt) to the Am Hellerand bus stop. Change to tram no. 8 (ending at Hellerau) to the Festspielhaus Hellerau tram stop. Walk to the right for about two minutes.

Satellite: Galerie PYLON-Lab

Address: Wallgässchen 2, 01097 Dresden
Google Maps, Open Streetmap
CYNETART exhibition: Frank Yefeng Wang, Yuk-Yiu Ip

FRI, 12th - SUN 14th OCT 2018
FRI 12th | 2 - 6 p.m.
SAT 13th | 2 - 6 p.m.
SUN 14th | noon - 4 p.m.

&& 15th OCT - 3rd NOV.:
THU 4 - 7 p.m.
FRI 4 - 7 p.m.
SAT 1 - 4 p.m.

Satellite: C.Rockefeller Center for the contemporary Arts

Rudolf Leonhard Str. 54 HH | Enter via Door Nr. 58

Stacey Gillian Abe (UG)

Satellite: objekt klein a

Address: Meschwitzstraße 9, 01099 Dresden
Google Maps, Open Streetmap
Cynetart Clubbing Night 13th of Oct starting 11:59 p.m.
Line Up: Golin, E-Saggila, Nene H., XVII

Imprint / Team

data privacy


CYNETART Festival is an event by Trans-Media-Academie Hellerau e.V. (TMA)
in cooperation with HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts,
supported by many public institutions and companys.

TMA Office

Administration: Michael Schuhmann
Accounting: Elke Rudolph

CYNETART Team 2018

Main responsible direction & management: TMA board
Artistic content direction: Jury 2018, Ulf Langheinrich
Festival coordination: Thomas Dumke / Sven Dämmig
Financial direction: TMA board
Assistance financial administration: Michael Schuhmann
Projektmanager SHAPE: Thomas Dumke
Assistant: Anne Lippert Logistics: Michael Schuhmann
Production Planning: EKS | Planning Office
PR & Marketing: Philipp Demankowski
Graphic design: Teresa Schönherr
Editing, proofreading and translations: Daniel Williams
Live Streaming, Video recording, video podcast: Konrad Behr, Janine Müller
Moderation: Charles Washington (UK)
Photography: David Pinzer Fotografie
Social Media: Roberto Krebs, Anne Lippert, Sven Dämmig, Philipp Demankowski
Web: Sven Dämmig
Artist Welcome / Volunteer Orga: Linn Seifert & Maria Ziegler
Volunteers: <3 thank you to: Anne Schmuhl, Rajko Aust, Sandra Erber, Ulli Schönknecht, Tilman Pätzold & Maria, Jasmine Anders, Maria Lopez, Jens (Meo), Cornelia, Nastasia Griese, Alba Álvarez, Susanne Ehnert, Pierre Willscheck.

HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
We thank the production management of the H-EZK, Michael Lotz; the responsible stage managers Peter Hering and Welko Funke; the stage technicians*: Kathi Graf, Martin Zitzmann, Matthias Materne, Micha Richter, Nora Weihmann, Peter Tirpitz, Ralf Schmidt, Ringo Jarke; the hands: Atilla Csepreghy, Christoph Bels, Elisabeth Trobisch, Felix Müller, Frank Rohleder, Jan Theurich, Kai Hügel, Rene Müller, Rocco Hardtke, Stefan Röser; the OM: Peter Tirpitz; the sound engineers*: Ben Henrichs, Benjamin Hannemann, Frank Naumann, Peter Heise, Tino Bensing, Sebastian Rietz; the video technicians*: Ben Henrichs, Benjamin Hannemann, Dirk Zschaler, Frank Naumann, Johannes Petzold; the lighting technicians*: Steffen Müller, Josia Werth, Kristin Feldmann, Matthias Remmlinger, Fridemann Wetzel; and the trainees;
Intendant Carena Schlewitt, Artistic Assistant Leonie Kusterer, Programme Director Music/Media Moritz Lobeck, Artistic Assistant Elisabeth Krefta, Residence Assistant Rosa Müller, ÖA & Social Media Mareen Friedrich, Responsible for Visitor Centre & Ticketing Simone Michel, Andreas Lorenz, Dana Bondartschuk, Friedemann Heinrich, Katrin Meinig, Helge Petzold (Sound and Media Technology) & many more inhouse staff, thank you much. Link to H-EZK team


SHAPE Platform
the guts company Forum Power to Whom
ex-L´tronica Karkowski Projekt

SHAPE as a special project of CYNETART is co-financed
by the European Union's CREATIVE EUROPE program.


Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V.
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 56
01109 Dresden
Tel.: 0049-(0)351-889 66 65 /


You can subscribe or read the archive here. The send out happens rarely, only for info on our competition cfp and the festival, accompanied by info on partner or friends activities.

Social News Network

* FACEBOOK (Blog + News)
* TWITTER (Short News/microblogging)
* VIMEO (Videos)
* DANCE-TECH.NET (Dance Community)

Archive / Gallery

Please visit the page

Artists/ participants

Anna Zaradny & Robert Piotrowicz (PL)
Billy Bultheel (NL)
Bogomir Doringer (NL)
Bonaventure (CH/CD)
Caroline Beach & Ian Whalen (US)
Caterina Barbieri (IT)
Chiara Baldini (IT)
Cod.Act (CH)
Ephemerki (MK)
Ewa Justka (PL)
Fabian Kühfuß (DE)
Frank Yefeng Wang (US)
Friederike Landau (DE)
Golin (JP)
Guillaume Pires Parada (FR)
Julien Bayle (FR)
Jung An Tagen (AT)
KlitClique (AT)
Minh Duc Nguyen (DE)
Nene H (TR)
Roel Wouters (NL)
Sangjun Yoo (US)
Sarah Ulrich (DE)
Stacey Gillian Abe (UG)
Stanza (UK)
Susanne Scheerer (DE)
The Binary Graffiti Club Choir (UK/DE)
Ya-Wen Fu(DE / TW)
Yuk-Yiu Ip (HK)